Monday, February 21, 2011

Common Grackle/Blackbird Update

I swear, whenever I get a ton of blackbirds I always think it'll never stop and the amount visiting the feeders will grow and grow, but I'm always wrong and they eventually stop coming. It's kind of funny. I only had all of those blackbirds that I took and posted two videos of for about a week or so, then I would just get a few every once in a while. I had one cute Red-winged Blackbird; he looked big and fluffed up, and he'd visit quite regularly after I got the big flock of grackles, but haven't seen him in a few days to a week. I still get European Starlings occasionally, sometimes one, sometimes five, but they are so, so bad at pooping anywhere and everywhere, it's ridiculous. They make Mourning Doves seem like sanitary birds (they poop everywhere a lot, too).

I did love seeing the Common Grackles again. Really a cool bird. I miss 'em...again.

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