Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Anne Frank Tree

I just finished watching the premiere of the sixth season of Gene Simmons: Family Jewels, called "Face Your Demons." It was quite sad and touched on a lot of the Anne Frank history. It was a very sad and touching episode, and I found myself tearing up a little. It was interesting to hear (and later reading more online) the part about Anne Frank's thoughts on the only freedom she could see: the tree outside her attic window, seagulls, birds, the sky, wind, and nature, in general. While the episode was still on I looked up more about the tree. It was sad to read that it was blown down in August of 2010, just a few months ago.

The whole thing is just so sad. Nearly tearing up again right now while reading about the fallen tree online while listening to "Heroes" by David Bowie...



Passages from the diary Anne Frank wrote about the tree in her diary three times.

"23 February 1944"

"The two of us looked out at the blue sky, the bare chestnut tree glistening with dew, the seagulls and other birds glinting with silver as they swooped through the air, and we were so moved and entranced that we couldn’t speak."

"18 April 1944"

"April is glorious, not too hot and not too cold, with occasional light showers. Our chestnut tree is in leaf, and here and there you can already see a few small blossoms."

"13 May 1944"

"Our chestnut tree is in full bloom. It’s covered with leaves and is even more beautiful than last year."


Anne Frank: I know what you mean about the beauty of nature. Other people are now enjoying and discovering the same beauties of nature just like you did at one time, and I definitely won't forget your story or diary, and neither will the world. I can only imagine what you would write about if you could have lived and had a blog or something. I'm sorry you didn't get to make it outside to sit under that tree, your tree, and to write further about nature. That's truly sad.

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