A Picture from the Internet of a male Red-bellied Woodpecker:
Probably the most striking and interesting bird I feed, with the striking mohawk-looking, reddish-orange color that goes down the center of the head and neck, to the checkered black and white pattern on the wings, it really is a unique bird to see. My first attempt at capturing the bird on video didn't turn out so well, as it's a very low-quality, built-in camera on binoculars, about equal to the quality from a cell phone video. I would upload it but it's so poor it isn't worth it. The camera is moving around a lot and it's not very clear, so a double whammy, plus it flies off after two seconds. I haven't attempted to capture it on my better Canon camera yet, due mostly to my SD card's memory being full most of the time, or the camera isn't near me when I see a rare bird and flies off soon after. This brings me to another area I've been considering for a long time, which is to get a wireless/outdoor camera. One good site I've been looking at is networkcamerareviews.com. That would be great to see and record close video of the birds, and only at the best times when there's something cool going on.
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