As I went outside a few hours ago to refill the bird feeders I found a dead Tufted Titmouse. Boy, how devastating to see one of my favorite birds dead on the ground. I immediately thought my cat had gotten it but after investigating a little I realized it must died from a window collision. I saw an imprint of the wings and body on the window, somehow, so it must have been a hard hit. I tried to wake him up at first, but there was no life left in him. It still has a sunflower seed in his bill... I cried quite a bit. So sad to see such a sweet, cute, innocent little bird dead. I've made quite a few videos of Titmice in the past, and they have, a few rare times, come down close to me while I'm refilling the feeders to get a seed. No other bird will do that, not even Chickadees.
I wanted to ask all of you birdfeeders to make your windows safe for birds, if you haven't already. I've just put something, a strip of bright yellow paper with blue tape, on one of my two main windows, the one that didn't have anything on it before and that the bird struck. The other window has a hanging hummingbird feeder on it already.
Rest In Peace, Little Titmouse. You will be missed.

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