Just thought I'd post what kind of birds I feed:
Blue Jays: One of the first birds I really got into and looked up on the 'net. Their color, from the bright blue to darker blue and, of course, the white/gray underside, is really a lovely and beautiful bird to look at. One of my favorite birds.
Tufted Titmouse: Cuuute! That's the first word that comes to mind. Their big black eyes are the cutest, contrasting with the gray color of their head and top of their body. They're very small, sweet and communicative. Their cute little calls/songs are the cutest sounds ever. I just discovered this bird species recently and it's currently one of my favorite birds. They are usually the first ones at my bird feeders in the morning, when the sun is starting to lighten everything, but not yet sunrise. They are at the bird feeders throughout the morning, midday and afternoon/evening. They go straight for my black-oil sunflower seeds, and when I have peanut butter sandwiches, they like that as well, but mainly stick with the black-oil sunflower seeds. I've even seen a little Titmouse grab a big peanut. Too cute.
Carolina Chickadee: Even smaller than the Tufted Titmouse (is that even possible?!), I would say about a third smaller, they are real cuties because they're just so tiny and act so funny and innocent. I believe they are the smallest bird I feed. They "hang" with Tufted Titmice a lot and other related small birds, like Woodpeckers. They are up there with the Titmouse as being one of my favorite birds so far. They have most of same colors as the Titmouse as far as the top gray feathers, but their head has a black top and black bib with white in the middle of their face. They have similar or the same kind of call/song as the Titmouse (♥).
Northern Cardinal: Always a rare treat to see a bright red male Cardinal and sometimes with his mate, the duller red female Cardinal. They are up there in beauty with the Blue Jay. They have the sweetest, cutest faces.
Hairy or Downy Woodpecker: I identified this bird today. I saw two pecking away on my tree with all the bird feeders. Today was the first time I've been able to confirm seeing a Woodpecker. Quite a unique character and cutie, pecking on the wood. I think I spotted a smaller Downy Woodpecker a few weeks later.
Mourning Dove: A larger brown bird, historically a ground feeder but I see them on my hanging and stationary feeder quite a bit. Unique sound from their wings while flapping.
Red-winged Blackbird: Don't know too much about them yet. I did see one or two on my Finch feeder. Pretty black with slight red and white color on their wings.
Common Grackle: Glossy blackish-brown with a metallic dark purple/green head and upper body and wings. Quite aggressive at the feeder with each other and other birds.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: Spotted this bird very recently, so I put back out the Hummingbird feeder since Wasps, etc. had only been spotted using it, but now there are actual Hummingbirds drinking from it.
American Goldfinch: Yellow and black with a little white scattered about, very uniquely pretty and smaller bird.
House Finch: Cute, small bird. Males have red-colored feathers on the upper body and brown and gray/white feathers on the bottom. Females don't have red feathers and are brown and gray/white all over. Tend to like black-oil sunflower seeds and Nyjer/thistle Finch food.
Squirrel: And who can forget the squirrels. They aren't officially a bird but they sure think they are and frequent bird feeders a lot to not mention them. Yes, they can ruin a perfectly good time of birdwatching when they jump on the bird feeders and scare the birds away, not to mention clean a feeder out, starting with the black-oil sunflower seeds. But they sure are cute.
Oh, and my blog has the colors of my favorite birds. The blue for the Blue Jay, the red for the Cardinal and the gray/light blue for the Titmouse/Chickadee. ' ' )
On a side note, I found two new bird species today I hadn't seen before. One was brown and gray/white with a striped head in the same colors, so it's lead me to believe it's some type of Woodpecker possibly. The other bird was light brown on top with a dash of darker brown on the outer end of the wings with quite a long tail. It made a loud, rough chirp. I'm not sure of the species of either of these birds yet, but will look into them. Always cool to see and learn about a new bird species at your feeder.
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